Welcome to Miss WAIT's Class 


Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.


Our Class Information


In Year 1 the class teacher is Miss Wait. 

Mrs Hunt, Mrs Jeffreys, Mrs Evason (Miss Wheeldon) and Mrs Brown will also be supporting in class. 

Reading books will be changed on a  Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure books come into school ready to be changed along with reading records.

Spellings will be given out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday.

From Year 1 onwards we use Seesaw to upload homework. Previously you will have used Tapestry in Reception. You'll recieve a log in code to be able to access your Seesaw account in September. 


Spring 2:

Our learning this half term:

Click on the links below to see the knowledge that your child will be learning this half term.

PHONICS: Please click here to see our phonic curriculum. You will also find our phonic teaching videos by clicking here and scrolling down to the bottom of the page.

English: Writing narrative diaries and non-chronological reports. 

Reading: Peace at Last by Jill Murphy

Maths: Statistics (diagrams, tally charts ect)

History: Significant peoples (Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus)

Geography: Continents and oceans

Science: Living things

RE: Salvation

Art: Food Technology (making sandwiches)

Music: Round and round (Playing the Glockenspiel)

Computing: Digital Literacy

PSHE: Healthy Me

PE: Dance and sending and recieving. 


Helpful resources!

Please find below some helpful resources that you may use with your child at home.

Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words


Don't forget to log into your Spelling Shed account to help you with your common exception words.


Times Tables

By the end of year 2, children should know their 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. You could print these to use at home with your child. Likewise, remember to log into your child's TT Rockstars account and practice there!

TT Rockstars

Spelling shed 

This term we will have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday.