Opening Hours and Costs from April 2024
Morning 7.30am to 8.40am (£5.00 per child)
Evening 3.00pm to 5.30pm (£8.00 per child)
We work with parents to accommodate their childcare needs, please contact Mrs Wendy Pratt (Club Manager) on 0161 624 0907 to discuss your requirements.
If you would like your child to attend Acorns you will need to arrange an initial visit. You will be required to fill in registration forms, giving emergency contact numbers and medical details of your child. Each term you will also be required to pay a registration fee of £5.00 for your child.
We like to involve the children in a wide range of activities both indoors and outdoors each day.
Children are encouraged to mix across the age ranges so widening their social skills and giving them opportunities to build their self esteem and promote independent working. Our staff encourage the children to share ideas and they have input into the planning of themed weeks to help their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.