Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.


Class Information

Welcome to Reception!

Our class teachers are Mrs Deighton and Mrs Evason (Miss Wheeldon).

We also have Mrs Jones, Mrs Hunt and Mrs Jeffrey's supporting our class.  

We will have PE on a Friday. Please make sure your child has a PE kit that is kept in school.



We have lots of different areas to explore both inside and outside the classroom which help us with our learning.


Our theme this half term is 'People who help us'. 

We will be reading the following class texts:

ZOG by Julia Donaldson

When we grow up by Melanie Walsh

ZogWhen We Grow Up: A First Book of Jobs

Our Day

In Reception we start our day the minute the children enter school. The children collect whiteboards and pens as they settle and begin to mark make and write. We practice writing our names, numbers, and letters and eventually we even write sentences and complete addition and subtraction questions.


We begin the day engaging in “Phonics”. Good quality teaching of Phonics is essential to help your child develop their reading and writing skills. This is where the children will learn the letter names and the sounds they make, how to blend and segment simple words such as cat and bus, and eventually learn to read and write simple sentences.

You will also find our phonic teaching videos by clicking here


We also have ‘Maths Meeting’ time where we explore number and shape, space and measures. In school we use ‘Ten town’ to support the teaching of number. The children love to engage with the characters and stories available. Parents can access information about Ten town at 


We also have a Literacy session everyday where We love to listen to stories and sing songs. We read and sing everyday through the wide range of activities such as traditional songs, making up our own stories or even listening to others. Stories and songs are a great way to develop language and listening skills.

Our Wonderful Learning

You can keep up to date with our learning via tapestry

Helpful Resources

Here are some ideas of how you can help your child at home with phonics.

- Share picture books regularly with your child.

 - Help your child recognise sounds speedily and give your child plenty of opportunities to practise letter formation.    

           - Paint in a zip lock bag, water on a brush outside, chalk on the floor or a finger in a salt/flour/glitter tray gives the exact same outcome and sometimes may be more appealing to young children. 

- Play Fred games with your child – look for links to the videos / supporting documents below.

How to say the sounds

Fred talk


Here are some ideas of how you can help your child at home with maths.

- Practise counting carefully using 1:1 correspondence by saying a number name at the same time as moving or tagging the objects.

- Expose your child to numerals 0-10; point them out at every opportunity.

- Support your child to ‘subitise’ – when subitising, children can say how many there are in a small group of objects by ‘just seeing’ and knowing straightaway without needing to count.

Maths for Early Years


NRICH for Early Years

The links above are useful websites for early years maths. You can download activities and videos to complete at home with your child. 


Websites for young children
Always review the sites ahead of time so that you are able to help your children find the best resources available within the sites. Some offer a great number of games, songs, stories, videos etc. so it is important to know the site well in order to support and develop your child’s learning.
Excellent site built around the 7 areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. You can access a free 7 day trial but you need to subscribe after this period to access the content – various subscription packages available.

Great site with some free phonics games

Many games often recognised by children from their favourite programmes.
Interactive books and reading activities to share with your child at home

NRICH enriching mathematics offers a set of EYFS resources here:

The National Numeracy Family Maths Toolkit is full of ideas and free activities for children and families:
Some excellent numeracy and literacy resources
Lots of maths and literacy games
Various educational games, videos and craft ideas


Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.


Class Information

Welcome to Reception!

Our class teachers are Mrs Deighton and Mrs Evason (Miss Wheeldon).

We also have Mrs Jones, Mrs Hunt and Mrs Jeffrey's supporting our class.  

We will have PE on a Friday. Please make sure your child has a PE kit that is kept in school.



We have lots of different areas to explore both inside and outside the classroom which help us with our learning.


Our theme this half term is 'People who help us'. 

We will be reading the following class texts:

ZOG by Julia Donaldson

When we grow up by Melanie Walsh

ZogWhen We Grow Up: A First Book of Jobs

Our Day

In Reception we start our day the minute the children enter school. The children collect whiteboards and pens as they settle and begin to mark make and write. We practice writing our names, numbers, and letters and eventually we even write sentences and complete addition and subtraction questions.


We begin the day engaging in “Phonics”. Good quality teaching of Phonics is essential to help your child develop their reading and writing skills. This is where the children will learn the letter names and the sounds they make, how to blend and segment simple words such as cat and bus, and eventually learn to read and write simple sentences.

You will also find our phonic teaching videos by clicking here


We also have ‘Maths Meeting’ time where we explore number and shape, space and measures. In school we use ‘Ten town’ to support the teaching of number. The children love to engage with the characters and stories available. Parents can access information about Ten town at 


We also have a Literacy session everyday where We love to listen to stories and sing songs. We read and sing everyday through the wide range of activities such as traditional songs, making up our own stories or even listening to others. Stories and songs are a great way to develop language and listening skills.

Our Wonderful Learning

You can keep up to date with our learning via tapestry

Helpful Resources

Here are some ideas of how you can help your child at home with phonics.

- Share picture books regularly with your child.

 - Help your child recognise sounds speedily and give your child plenty of opportunities to practise letter formation.    

           - Paint in a zip lock bag, water on a brush outside, chalk on the floor or a finger in a salt/flour/glitter tray gives the exact same outcome and sometimes may be more appealing to young children. 

- Play Fred games with your child – look for links to the videos / supporting documents below.

How to say the sounds

Fred talk


Here are some ideas of how you can help your child at home with maths.

- Practise counting carefully using 1:1 correspondence by saying a number name at the same time as moving or tagging the objects.

- Expose your child to numerals 0-10; point them out at every opportunity.

- Support your child to ‘subitise’ – when subitising, children can say how many there are in a small group of objects by ‘just seeing’ and knowing straightaway without needing to count.

Maths for Early Years


NRICH for Early Years

The links above are useful websites for early years maths. You can download activities and videos to complete at home with your child. 


Websites for young children
Always review the sites ahead of time so that you are able to help your children find the best resources available within the sites. Some offer a great number of games, songs, stories, videos etc. so it is important to know the site well in order to support and develop your child’s learning.
Excellent site built around the 7 areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. You can access a free 7 day trial but you need to subscribe after this period to access the content – various subscription packages available.

Great site with some free phonics games

Many games often recognised by children from their favourite programmes.
Interactive books and reading activities to share with your child at home

NRICH enriching mathematics offers a set of EYFS resources here:

The National Numeracy Family Maths Toolkit is full of ideas and free activities for children and families:
Some excellent numeracy and literacy resources
Lots of maths and literacy games
Various educational games, videos and craft ideas