September 2023

We are very proud to announce that we have regained our School Games Mark Gold award for the year 2022 - 2023. We would like to thank all the staff, parents and children for supporting the delivery of PE and sport across school and look forward to working to retain it in the coming year.

Gold School Games Mark | Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

60 Active Minutes

Children should aim for 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day. At Christ Church we encourage the children to reach this goal throughout the day by the use of our walking track which can be used in all weathers and as a physical break during lessons. We also have a focused activity for break and lunch times where children are supported to learn a new skill with the support of our sports leaders.


Autumn One - Hula Hooping. How many can you spin in one minute?

Autumn Two - Penalty Shoot out. How many goals can you score in one minute?

Spring One - Target throw. How many points can you score in one minute?

Spring Two - Skipping. How many skips can you complete in one minute?

Summer One - Tennis. How many time can you hit the tennis ball in the air in one minute?

Summer Two - Speed bounce. How many can you complete in a minute?


"A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect."

National Curriculum, DfE 2014


Our PE Curriculum

At Christ Church PE is taught using the teachers expertise together with the GETSET4PE scheme. 

 We provide a variety of opportunities for children to be  physically active, by challenging themselves and competing  with others.


Teachers use knowledge organisers with children to help enhance teaching and children's learning.  These show the skills required for different sports and associated vocabulary.  They link to the long term planning overview and are progressive so children can use them when  building  on prior learning.  They also  show what learning will come next.


Curriulum Map


Progression Document


Medium Term Planning 2024-2025

Please click on the links below to access our half termly planning documents.

Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring One

Active Families 

We not only encourage children to be active in school, we also provide weekly  challenges to do at home with families and friends .

Participation is rewarded and celebrated so - Let's Get Active!

Click on the links below for ideas


5 minute challenge 

10 - 1 workout

Balloon Volleyball 

Alphabet Walk

Connect 4

Cards Fitness Fun

Heads or Tails


September 2023

We are very proud to announce that we have regained our School Games Mark Gold award for the year 2022 - 2023. We would like to thank all the staff, parents and children for supporting the delivery of PE and sport across school and look forward to working to retain it in the coming year.

Gold School Games Mark | Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

60 Active Minutes

Children should aim for 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day. At Christ Church we encourage the children to reach this goal throughout the day by the use of our walking track which can be used in all weathers and as a physical break during lessons. We also have a focused activity for break and lunch times where children are supported to learn a new skill with the support of our sports leaders.


Autumn One - Hula Hooping. How many can you spin in one minute?

Autumn Two - Penalty Shoot out. How many goals can you score in one minute?

Spring One - Target throw. How many points can you score in one minute?

Spring Two - Skipping. How many skips can you complete in one minute?

Summer One - Tennis. How many time can you hit the tennis ball in the air in one minute?

Summer Two - Speed bounce. How many can you complete in a minute?


"A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect."

National Curriculum, DfE 2014


Our PE Curriculum

At Christ Church PE is taught using the teachers expertise together with the GETSET4PE scheme. 

 We provide a variety of opportunities for children to be  physically active, by challenging themselves and competing  with others.


Teachers use knowledge organisers with children to help enhance teaching and children's learning.  These show the skills required for different sports and associated vocabulary.  They link to the long term planning overview and are progressive so children can use them when  building  on prior learning.  They also  show what learning will come next.


Curriulum Map


Progression Document


Medium Term Planning 2024-2025

Please click on the links below to access our half termly planning documents.

Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring One

Active Families 

We not only encourage children to be active in school, we also provide weekly  challenges to do at home with families and friends .

Participation is rewarded and celebrated so - Let's Get Active!

Click on the links below for ideas


5 minute challenge 

10 - 1 workout

Balloon Volleyball 

Alphabet Walk

Connect 4

Cards Fitness Fun

Heads or Tails


September 2023

We are very proud to announce that we have regained our School Games Mark Gold award for the year 2022 - 2023. We would like to thank all the staff, parents and children for supporting the delivery of PE and sport across school and look forward to working to retain it in the coming year.

Gold School Games Mark | Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

60 Active Minutes

Children should aim for 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day. At Christ Church we encourage the children to reach this goal throughout the day by the use of our walking track which can be used in all weathers and as a physical break during lessons. We also have a focused activity for break and lunch times where children are supported to learn a new skill with the support of our sports leaders.


Autumn One - Hula Hooping. How many can you spin in one minute?

Autumn Two - Penalty Shoot out. How many goals can you score in one minute?

Spring One - Target throw. How many points can you score in one minute?

Spring Two - Skipping. How many skips can you complete in one minute?

Summer One - Tennis. How many time can you hit the tennis ball in the air in one minute?

Summer Two - Speed bounce. How many can you complete in a minute?


"A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect."

National Curriculum, DfE 2014


Our PE Curriculum

At Christ Church PE is taught using the teachers expertise together with the GETSET4PE scheme. 

 We provide a variety of opportunities for children to be  physically active, by challenging themselves and competing  with others.


Teachers use knowledge organisers with children to help enhance teaching and children's learning.  These show the skills required for different sports and associated vocabulary.  They link to the long term planning overview and are progressive so children can use them when  building  on prior learning.  They also  show what learning will come next.


Curriulum Map


Progression Document


Medium Term Planning 2024-2025

Please click on the links below to access our half termly planning documents.

Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring One

Active Families 

We not only encourage children to be active in school, we also provide weekly  challenges to do at home with families and friends .

Participation is rewarded and celebrated so - Let's Get Active!

Click on the links below for ideas


5 minute challenge 

10 - 1 workout

Balloon Volleyball 

Alphabet Walk

Connect 4

Cards Fitness Fun

Heads or Tails


September 2023

We are very proud to announce that we have regained our School Games Mark Gold award for the year 2022 - 2023. We would like to thank all the staff, parents and children for supporting the delivery of PE and sport across school and look forward to working to retain it in the coming year.

Gold School Games Mark | Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

60 Active Minutes

Children should aim for 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day. At Christ Church we encourage the children to reach this goal throughout the day by the use of our walking track which can be used in all weathers and as a physical break during lessons. We also have a focused activity for break and lunch times where children are supported to learn a new skill with the support of our sports leaders.


Autumn One - Hula Hooping. How many can you spin in one minute?

Autumn Two - Penalty Shoot out. How many goals can you score in one minute?

Spring One - Target throw. How many points can you score in one minute?

Spring Two - Skipping. How many skips can you complete in one minute?

Summer One - Tennis. How many time can you hit the tennis ball in the air in one minute?

Summer Two - Speed bounce. How many can you complete in a minute?


"A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect."

National Curriculum, DfE 2014


Our PE Curriculum

At Christ Church PE is taught using the teachers expertise together with the GETSET4PE scheme. 

 We provide a variety of opportunities for children to be  physically active, by challenging themselves and competing  with others.


Teachers use knowledge organisers with children to help enhance teaching and children's learning.  These show the skills required for different sports and associated vocabulary.  They link to the long term planning overview and are progressive so children can use them when  building  on prior learning.  They also  show what learning will come next.


Curriulum Map


Progression Document


Medium Term Planning 2024-2025

Please click on the links below to access our half termly planning documents.

Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring One

Active Families 

We not only encourage children to be active in school, we also provide weekly  challenges to do at home with families and friends .

Participation is rewarded and celebrated so - Let's Get Active!

Click on the links below for ideas


5 minute challenge 

10 - 1 workout

Balloon Volleyball 

Alphabet Walk

Connect 4

Cards Fitness Fun

Heads or Tails
