
Welcome to Mr Goodlad's Class!

Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.

We are a wonderful class of Year 3 children! 

We hope you enjoy following our class page and Year 3 journey over the next year. 


We have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays.

For both days, please ensure the correct kit is in school.


We are taught by Mr Goodlad

Mrs Barrow also works with us.


Click the links below to access the knowledge organisers for more details on what we're learning in Year 3

English: Write explanations

Learn and perform a significant poem

Reading Development: The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson

The Abominables: 1 : Ibbotson, Eva ...

Maths: Problem Solving

Science: Changes of state

RE: How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?

History: Viking Britain

Geography: Daily life in the Amazon Rainforest (Deforestation)

Spanish: Going on a picnic

PE: Athletics & Rounders

Computing: Photo editing

Design and Technology: Food and diet

Music: Violins

PSHE: Changing me


Click the links below to access the knowledge organisers for more details on what we're learning in Year 3

English: Writing biographies

Writing stories that contain historical events

Reading Development: My Dad's a Birdman by David Almond

My Dad's a Birdman

Maths: Measures (Time)

Science: Sound

RE: How do festivals and worship show what matters to a muslim?

History: Anglo-Saxons

Geography: Rainforests

Spanish: Fruit and Vegetables

PE: Fitness & Tennis

Computing: The Internet

Art: 3D Sculptures - Animals

Music: Bringing us Together

PSHE: Relationships




Important information...


It is important to access learning at home too, please find the links below.

TT Rockstars

Spelling Shed

Purple Mash


Science Bug

Please read daily too, you have a school reading book and library book that can be changed regularly.


By the end of year 3, children should know their 3s, 4s and 8s. Please find useful links below.

Year 3 times tables

Year 3/4 statutory spellings.




Here are some useful websites for learning at home: