Welcome to Mr Goodlad's Class!
Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.
We hope you enjoy following our class page and Year 3 journey over the next year.
We have swimming on Mondays and PE on Tuesdays.
For both days, please ensure the correct kit is in school.
We are taught by Mr Goodlad
Mrs Adams and Mrs Barrow also work with us.
Click the links below to access the knowledge organisers for more details on what we're learning in Year 3
English: Poetry
Reading Development: The Crocodile by Roald Dahl
Maths: Geometry
Science: Plants
RE: What do Hindus believe God is like?
History: Roman Empire & it's impact on Britain
Geography: Settlements & Land Use (Foxdenton, Then)
Spanish: Animals around us
PE: Swimming
Computing: Programming - Sequencing sounds
Art: Collage
PSHE: Dreams and goals
Click the links below to access the knowledge organisers for more details on what we're learning in Year 3
English: Historical narratives
Reading Development: Candle in the Dark by Adele Geras
Maths: Fractions and measures
Science: Rocks and soils
RE: What is it like for someone to follow God?
History: Ancient Egypt
Geography: Our European neighbours
Spanish: Calendars and celebrations
PE: Swimming
Computing: E-Safety
DT: Shell structures using CAD
PSHE: Celebrating differences
Click the links below to access the knowledge organisers for more details on what we're learning in Year 3
English: Writing non-chronological reports
Stories set in places you've been
Reading Development: Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
Maths: Number and Place Value
Science: Feeding and Movement
RE: What is the 'Trinity' and why is it important for Christians?
Geography: Climate zones and biomes
PE: Hockey
OAA (team building)
Computing: E-Safety
Art: Abstract Art
PSHE: Being me in my world
Important information...
It is important to access learning at home too, please find the links below.
TT Rockstars
Spelling Shed
Purple Mash
Science Bug
Please read daily too, you have a school reading book and library book that can be changed regularly.
By the end of year 3, children should know their 3s, 4s and 8s. Please find useful links below.
Here are some useful websites for learning at home: