Religious Education 



   At Christ Church we believe RE is integral throughout all our curriculum.

Our teaching is underpinned by the Christian faith where 'CHRIST is at the heart of our learning community’.

We develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths, and we address the fundamental questions in life.

We enable children to develop a sound knowledge not only of Christianity but also of other world religions, especially those that are the main faiths of children within our school. Children reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. We help the children learn from religions as well as about religions.



We plan our religious education curriculum in accordance with the Manchester Diocesan agreed syllabus. We ensure that the topics studied in religious education build upon prior learning and offer opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit.

Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways ensuring that all children can access and participate in lessons. Interactive, practical activities encourage the children to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of difficult concepts and challenging questions.

Pupils’ progress in RE is based on the expected outcomes outlined in the Agreed Syllabus and in Understanding Christianity, which in turn have been developed in line with guidance produced nationally.



Curriculum Overview


Embebbed Knowledge




Prayer Garden 

We were proud to announce the opening of our beautiful prayer garden. This special place is school is dedicated to Mrs Dalton

who worked at Christ church for over 20 years and cared a great deal for everyone within our school and church community. 

She holds a very special place in our hearts.


Please read this poem explaining how we will use this space within our school.


This quite space in school,

will help you to clear your mind.

It will remind you of God's goodness

in everything you find.

Listen to the sounds,

look up at the sky.

Have a moment to yourself,

with no one asking why.

As you sit with no distraction,

let your worries float away.

Talk to God and thank him

for blessing you each day.


We would like to thank the local businesses who supported us to create our prayer garden.


Wickes, Oldham for the bench

W.J. Lewis (Builders Merchants)  for their donation of £50.00 

 Tescos, Oldham  for the flowers

Sainsburies, Oldham  for their donation of £20.00.  


Our R.E. Team have written to businesses with a letter of thanks.  We really appreciate your support!

Our R.E. team are pictured here.

Elouise, Anna, Luke, Otis, Areeb, Felicity, Miraj and Ruby say,


We really appreciate your generosity!

Prayer Space

In School we have created a reflection space within school. Each class has created their own prayer to add to our prayer space, where children can go to reflect.


World Faith Day 2024

We held our first ever world faith day experience. In our outdoor spaces each class set up a station all about the different world faiths they had been learning about. Each class then had the opportunity to visit each station and find out about different world religions. While at each station children had the opportunity to carry out an activity linked to each religion.


Christmas Experience 2023

This year we used our outdoor learning spaces to recall different parts of the christmas story.

Each class visited a number of stations and completed different activites. 

Station 1. An angel speaks to Mary Luke 1:26-38 

Station 2. An angel reassures Joseph Matthew 1:19-25 

Station 3. The journey to Bethlehem, Jesus is born and some shepherds get a surprise Luke 2:1-20 

Station 4. The evil king and the wise men Matthew 2:1-13 

Station 5. Pauls letter to Titus.Titus 2:11-13

Easter Gardens 2023

This year our RE Ambassadors decided they would like to run a competition for children to enter. They decided that children could make an Easter Garden  out of any material the only requirement was that it should include 3 crosses.

We were overwhelmed with the amount of entries and the RE Ambassadors had a tough job deciding on the winners. Well done to everyone who entered.

Easter Experince 2023

Children again took part in our very popular Easter experience. The children visited five stations retelling the Easter story.

Station 1 told the story of Palm Sunday each child got to cut out their own Palm leave to help them re-enact the story.

Station 2 told the story of the last supper- hear children learnt how Christians still remember this today through communion

Station 3 told the story of the garden of gethsemane. Each child got to write or draw a message of hope to add to the garden.

Station 4 told the story of Good Friday and Jesus’s crucifixion. Children got to look at a range of different crosses and talk bout their favourite

Station 5 children went back to class to create their own cross depicting the Easter story.


Easter Experience 2022

The children visited four stations each telling one part of the Easter Story.

Station 1 was retelling the Palm Sunday story, station 2 the story of the Last Supper, station 3 the Crucifixion and station 4 the story of Jesus has risen.

The children created a piece of art working using hands the Easter story.


Christmas Experience 2022

This Christmas time it was lovely to be back in church with their volunteers helping retell the Christmas Story. Station one we were all introduced to the characters in the story we lit a candle for 6 of the main characters and took the candles on our journey. Station two saw us in the woodland thinking about Angel Gabriel and how Mary trusted both her and God to being her a son. We then had a go at trusting our friends using the blindfolds. Station three we heard about Jesus’s birth and how all over the world people still celebrate his birthday on the 25th December showing what an important man he is. Station four we heard the story about the shepherds and how everyone is unique and special just like each of the Shepard’s. Station five we were back in church hearing about the arrival of the wise men and how they followed the star. We then had a go at drawing our own star.  


Christmas Experience 2021

At Christmas time the children used the outside area to listen to the Christmas story. There were four stations each telling one part of the Christmas. The children then had to complete an activity at each station to help them understand the true meaning of Christmas.

Each class also completed a hall display depicting one part of the Christmas story.