Here at Christ Church, it is our aim to ensure your child receives the best education possible. All children are supported to thrive and to achieve their potential, regardless of any SEND.
All teachers at Christ Church are teachers of children with SEND and provide high quality teaching which takes account of the particular individual needs of children with SEND within their classrooms. Our teaching is aimed to include a variety of experiences with a range of resources to help all pupils to learn. Staff are highly trained to address a range of learning needs and expertise is shared.
Our school has a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) who is responsible for the management of provision and support for identified pupils with SEND.
Our SENDCo is Miss Mansfield
If you wish to discuss your child’s support programme, please do not hesitate to contact
Miss Mansfield on 0161 624 0907.
Schools and other agencies can help most children overcome their difficulties quickly and easily but some children will need extra help for part or all of their time in school.
They may need additional support with:
· reading, writing or mathematics
· understanding written and verbal information
· knowing how to express themselves
· understanding others
· help with organisation
· sensory perception or physical mobility
· managing their behaviour
· making friends or relating to adults
Regular diagnostic assessments tell us how much progress is being made and inform us of the next steps we need to take to help children progress further.
At times we may find that a pupil is showing that they require more help to access the curriculum. On these occasions, immediate steps are taken to help them to succeed. This might be extra tuition or an intervention led by a member of staff. Support in class may also be necessary. If this is the case, we are fortunate to have an excellent team of teaching assistants who work closely with teaching staff to guide and support our pupils. The impact of extra support will be measured to show progress and impact.
We also work closely with other professionals who help us to assess, set targets and address needs.
SEND support services all offer a point of contact or support if required. Our school works with:
If we feel it is necessary to contact outside agencies such as these we would only do this with your agreement and consent.
If you are concerned about any aspects of your child’s education or need to inform us of anything that might effect their ability to learn, the first step is to talk to your child's class teacher. We welcome your comments and will do our best to take the necessary action in order to ensure they achieve their full potential. We will also continue to keep you informed and support you as much as possible.
Local Offer
All Local Authorities are required to publish information on ‘The Local Offer’ about all SEND services, along with details of any eligibility for specialist services and a signpost to support for those who do not meet thresholds.
Please click below to see the local offer:
Local Offer - A Guide for parents and carers
You may also access the following website for advice and support:
Oldham Council directory of services
When your child is ready to move on from primary to secondary education please consider the information on this leaflet:
Transition - parent questions to ask
Further information can be found on the links below:
Here at Christ Church, it is our aim to ensure your child receives the best education possible. All children are supported to thrive and to achieve their potential, regardless of any SEND.
All teachers at Christ Church are teachers of children with SEND and provide high quality teaching which takes account of the particular individual needs of children with SEND within their classrooms. Our teaching is aimed to include a variety of experiences with a range of resources to help all pupils to learn. Staff are highly trained to address a range of learning needs and expertise is shared.
Our school has a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) who is responsible for the management of provision and support for identified pupils with SEND.
Our SENDCo is Miss Mansfield
If you wish to discuss your child’s support programme, please do not hesitate to contact
Miss Mansfield on 0161 624 0907.
Schools and other agencies can help most children overcome their difficulties quickly and easily but some children will need extra help for part or all of their time in school.
They may need additional support with:
· reading, writing or mathematics
· understanding written and verbal information
· knowing how to express themselves
· understanding others
· help with organisation
· sensory perception or physical mobility
· managing their behaviour
· making friends or relating to adults
Regular diagnostic assessments tell us how much progress is being made and inform us of the next steps we need to take to help children progress further.
At times we may find that a pupil is showing that they require more help to access the curriculum. On these occasions, immediate steps are taken to help them to succeed. This might be extra tuition or an intervention led by a member of staff. Support in class may also be necessary. If this is the case, we are fortunate to have an excellent team of teaching assistants who work closely with teaching staff to guide and support our pupils. The impact of extra support will be measured to show progress and impact.
We also work closely with other professionals who help us to assess, set targets and address needs.
SEND support services all offer a point of contact or support if required. Our school works with:
If we feel it is necessary to contact outside agencies such as these we would only do this with your agreement and consent.
If you are concerned about any aspects of your child’s education or need to inform us of anything that might effect their ability to learn, the first step is to talk to your child's class teacher. We welcome your comments and will do our best to take the necessary action in order to ensure they achieve their full potential. We will also continue to keep you informed and support you as much as possible.
Local Offer
All Local Authorities are required to publish information on ‘The Local Offer’ about all SEND services, along with details of any eligibility for specialist services and a signpost to support for those who do not meet thresholds.
Please click below to see the local offer:
Local Offer - A Guide for parents and carers
You may also access the following website for advice and support:
Oldham Council directory of services
When your child is ready to move on from primary to secondary education please consider the information on this leaflet:
Transition - parent questions to ask
Further information can be found on the links below: