The Governing Body at Christ Church School play a strategic role in the running of the school. They are a team of people who work closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in planning the direction and management of the school. It's key functions are :- 

  • Setting the aims and objectives of the school.
  • Setting policies and targets to achieve these aims and objectives.
  • To monitor, review and evaluate the progress being made towards achieving its aims and objectives.
  • To challenge and support the Headteacher.

Governors must act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interests of the school and its future. They are not expected to be involved in the detail of the day-to-day management of the school which is undertaken by the Leadership Team.

The Governors are more than happy to discuss any matters regarding school life. Parents are welcome to contact the governors by email to the following address: info@christchurch-chad.oldham.sch.uk or by leaving a message with the school office.

The Governing Body meets formally at least once a term.


Governors’ information on Get Information About Schools


Our Governors

The Governing Body for Christ Church C of E School consists of 12 members constituted as follows:-

  • Headteacher
  • LA Governor x 1
  • Staff Governor x 1
  • Foundation Governor x 7
  • Parent Governor x 2

All governors are volunteers and once elected normally serve for a term of office lasting four years.

  Governor Category Voting Rights Date Appointed Expiry Date Committee

Heather Burtonwood

(Vice Chair - Elected by Governing Body)


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  23 Nov 2015  2 Mar 2027

Standards and Learning Committee

Staff and Finance Committee

Premises (inc H&S) Committee

Admissions Committee

Andrew Dearden

Foundation-Diocesan Link

(appointed by the PCC)

Yes   01 Aug 1998  31 July 2024

Staff & Finance Committee

Premises (inc H&S) Committee

Ben Wilkinson

Foundation - Ex officia

(appointed by the PCC)

Yes 01 Sept 2021  When Clergy position comes to an end

Staff & Finance Committee

Admissions Committee

Wendy Scallan



(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  1 Sept 2019  2 March 2027 Standards and Learning Committee

Danna Saunders

(Chair - Elected by Governing Body)


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  4 Nov 2021  3 Nov 2025

Staff & Finance  Committee

Admissions Committee

David Wright


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  1 Sept 2015  26 Mar 2027 Premises (inc H&S) Committee
Lindsey Sykes


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes 10 Jan 2020 20 Oct 2026 Premises (inc H&S) Committee
Gemma Cooper

Parent Governor

(Elected by other parents at school)

Yes 02 Nov 2022 01 Nov 2026 Standards and Learning Committee

Louise Hayes

 LA Governor  Yes 21 Nov 2016  20 Nov 2027

Standards and Learning Committee

Staff & Finance Committee

Adele Holroyd


(Elected by other staff at school)

 Yes  01 Sept 2022  31 Aug 2026 Standards and Learning Committee
Debra Davies  Headteacher  Yes  01 Sep 2008 When Headteacher position comes to an end Can attend any / all committees

The Committee Structure

In order to carry out their role efficiently and effectively, the detailed work of the Governing Body is undertaken by four committees who have the responsibilities for different aspects of the running of the school.


Please click the link below to see the Terms of Reference for our committees:

Christ Church Primary School - Committee Terms of Reference


Staff & Finance Committee - agrees the budget and monitors expenditure as well as looks after issues around the school's staff, both teaching and non-teaching.

This committee is also responsible for examining the Schools financial benchmarking service

Premises Committee - deals with buildings, utilities and health and safety matters.

Standards & Learning Committee - reviews assessment/examination data and monitors the quality of teaching. Agrees and monitors the curriculum.


In addition to attending Full Governors’ Meetings, all governors sit on one or two of these committees.

The committees report back to termly meetings of the Full Governing Body at which broader issues are also discussed and agreed.

Staff & Finance


Andrew Dearden (Chair)

Danna Saunders

Louise Hayes

Heather Burtonwood

Debra Davies

Premises (inc H&S)


David Wright (Chair)

Andrew Dearden

Lindsey Sykes

Heather Burtonwood

Debra Davies

Standards and Learning


Wendy Scallan (Chair)

Louise Hayes

Adele Holroyd

Gemma Cooper

Heather Burtonwood

Debra Davies

The Governors Register of Business and Personal Interest

As a Governing Body we are required to publish a register of relevant business and pecuniary interest of Governors at Christ Church CE Primary School on our website.

The following interests have been declared by information submitted in the 2023-24 academic year:-

Name Provides goods or Services Trusteeships & Governorships Any Other potentially relevant interest

Heather Burtonwood

No Interests    
Andrew Dearden No Interests    
Lindsey Sykes No interests   Child is pupil of school
David Wright No Interests    
Ben Wilkinson No interests Governor at St Mary's Balderstone Church of England Primary School, Rochdale Child is pupil of school
Debra Davies No interests   Son as staff member
Louise Hayes No interests   Child is pupil of school
Adele Holroyd No Interests    
Wendy Scallan No interests   Child is pupil of school
Danna Saunders (Chair) No Interests    
Gemma Cooper No interests   Child is pupil of school

Record of Governor Attendance at Meetings 2023-24

An attendance record for all governors at the full governing body meetings for the 2023-24 academic year

Heather Burtonwood  Foundation Attendance 2/2
Andrew Dearden Foundation (Diocesan Link) Attendance 2/2
Ben Wilkinson Foundation (Ex-Official) Attendance 2/2
David Wright Foundation Attendance 2/2
Wendy Scallan Foundation Attendance 2/2
Danna Saunders Foundation Attendance 2/2
Lindsey Sykes Foundation Attendance 2/2
Louise Hayes  LA Governor Attendance 1/2
Gemma Cooper Parent Governor Attendance 2/2
Adele Holroyd Staff Governor Attendance 2/2
Debra Davies Headteacher Attendance 2/2

Record of Governor Attendance at Meetings 2022-23

An attendance record for all governors at the full governing body meetings for the 2022-23 academic year

Heather Burtonwood - Chair

Foundation Attendance 3/3
Andrew Dearden

Foundation  (Diocesan Link)

Attendance 1/3
Ben Wilkinson Foundation (Ex-Offical) Attendance 3/3
David Wright Foundation Attendance 3/3
Wendy Scallan Foundation Attendance 3/3
Danna Saunders Foundation Attendance 2/3
Louise Hayes LA Governor Attendance 1/3
Lindsey Sykes Parent Governor Attendance 3/3
Gemma Cooper Parent Governor Attendance 3/3
Adele Holroyd Staff Attendance 3/3
Debra Davies Headteacher Attendance 3/3



The Governing Body at Christ Church School play a strategic role in the running of the school. They are a team of people who work closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in planning the direction and management of the school. It's key functions are :- 

  • Setting the aims and objectives of the school.
  • Setting policies and targets to achieve these aims and objectives.
  • To monitor, review and evaluate the progress being made towards achieving its aims and objectives.
  • To challenge and support the Headteacher.

Governors must act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interests of the school and its future. They are not expected to be involved in the detail of the day-to-day management of the school which is undertaken by the Leadership Team.

The Governors are more than happy to discuss any matters regarding school life. Parents are welcome to contact the governors by email to the following address: info@christchurch-chad.oldham.sch.uk or by leaving a message with the school office.

The Governing Body meets formally at least once a term.


Governors’ information on Get Information About Schools


Our Governors

The Governing Body for Christ Church C of E School consists of 12 members constituted as follows:-

  • Headteacher
  • LA Governor x 1
  • Staff Governor x 1
  • Foundation Governor x 7
  • Parent Governor x 2

All governors are volunteers and once elected normally serve for a term of office lasting four years.

  Governor Category Voting Rights Date Appointed Expiry Date Committee

Heather Burtonwood

(Vice Chair - Elected by Governing Body)


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  23 Nov 2015  2 Mar 2027

Standards and Learning Committee

Staff and Finance Committee

Premises (inc H&S) Committee

Admissions Committee

Andrew Dearden

Foundation-Diocesan Link

(appointed by the PCC)

Yes   01 Aug 1998  31 July 2024

Staff & Finance Committee

Premises (inc H&S) Committee

Ben Wilkinson

Foundation - Ex officia

(appointed by the PCC)

Yes 01 Sept 2021  When Clergy position comes to an end

Staff & Finance Committee

Admissions Committee

Wendy Scallan



(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  1 Sept 2019  2 March 2027 Standards and Learning Committee

Danna Saunders

(Chair - Elected by Governing Body)


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  4 Nov 2021  3 Nov 2025

Staff & Finance  Committee

Admissions Committee

David Wright


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes  1 Sept 2015  26 Mar 2027 Premises (inc H&S) Committee
Lindsey Sykes


(appointed by the PCC)

Yes 10 Jan 2020 20 Oct 2026 Premises (inc H&S) Committee
Gemma Cooper

Parent Governor

(Elected by other parents at school)

Yes 02 Nov 2022 01 Nov 2026 Standards and Learning Committee

Louise Hayes

 LA Governor  Yes 21 Nov 2016  20 Nov 2027

Standards and Learning Committee

Staff & Finance Committee

Adele Holroyd


(Elected by other staff at school)

 Yes  01 Sept 2022  31 Aug 2026 Standards and Learning Committee
Debra Davies  Headteacher  Yes  01 Sep 2008 When Headteacher position comes to an end Can attend any / all committees

The Committee Structure

In order to carry out their role efficiently and effectively, the detailed work of the Governing Body is undertaken by four committees who have the responsibilities for different aspects of the running of the school.


Please click the link below to see the Terms of Reference for our committees:

Christ Church Primary School - Committee Terms of Reference


Staff & Finance Committee - agrees the budget and monitors expenditure as well as looks after issues around the school's staff, both teaching and non-teaching.

This committee is also responsible for examining the Schools financial benchmarking service

Premises Committee - deals with buildings, utilities and health and safety matters.

Standards & Learning Committee - reviews assessment/examination data and monitors the quality of teaching. Agrees and monitors the curriculum.


In addition to attending Full Governors’ Meetings, all governors sit on one or two of these committees.

The committees report back to termly meetings of the Full Governing Body at which broader issues are also discussed and agreed.

Staff & Finance


Andrew Dearden (Chair)

Danna Saunders

Louise Hayes

Heather Burtonwood

Debra Davies

Premises (inc H&S)


David Wright (Chair)

Andrew Dearden

Lindsey Sykes

Heather Burtonwood

Debra Davies

Standards and Learning


Wendy Scallan (Chair)

Louise Hayes

Adele Holroyd

Gemma Cooper

Heather Burtonwood

Debra Davies

The Governors Register of Business and Personal Interest

As a Governing Body we are required to publish a register of relevant business and pecuniary interest of Governors at Christ Church CE Primary School on our website.

The following interests have been declared by information submitted in the 2023-24 academic year:-

Name Provides goods or Services Trusteeships & Governorships Any Other potentially relevant interest

Heather Burtonwood

No Interests    
Andrew Dearden No Interests    
Lindsey Sykes No interests   Child is pupil of school
David Wright No Interests    
Ben Wilkinson No interests Governor at St Mary's Balderstone Church of England Primary School, Rochdale Child is pupil of school
Debra Davies No interests   Son as staff member
Louise Hayes No interests   Child is pupil of school
Adele Holroyd No Interests    
Wendy Scallan No interests   Child is pupil of school
Danna Saunders (Chair) No Interests    
Gemma Cooper No interests   Child is pupil of school

Record of Governor Attendance at Meetings 2023-24

An attendance record for all governors at the full governing body meetings for the 2023-24 academic year

Heather Burtonwood  Foundation Attendance 2/2
Andrew Dearden Foundation (Diocesan Link) Attendance 2/2
Ben Wilkinson Foundation (Ex-Official) Attendance 2/2
David Wright Foundation Attendance 2/2
Wendy Scallan Foundation Attendance 2/2
Danna Saunders Foundation Attendance 2/2
Lindsey Sykes Foundation Attendance 2/2
Louise Hayes  LA Governor Attendance 1/2
Gemma Cooper Parent Governor Attendance 2/2
Adele Holroyd Staff Governor Attendance 2/2
Debra Davies Headteacher Attendance 2/2

Record of Governor Attendance at Meetings 2022-23

An attendance record for all governors at the full governing body meetings for the 2022-23 academic year

Heather Burtonwood - Chair

Foundation Attendance 3/3
Andrew Dearden

Foundation  (Diocesan Link)

Attendance 1/3
Ben Wilkinson Foundation (Ex-Offical) Attendance 3/3
David Wright Foundation Attendance 3/3
Wendy Scallan Foundation Attendance 3/3
Danna Saunders Foundation Attendance 2/3
Louise Hayes LA Governor Attendance 1/3
Lindsey Sykes Parent Governor Attendance 3/3
Gemma Cooper Parent Governor Attendance 3/3
Adele Holroyd Staff Attendance 3/3
Debra Davies Headteacher Attendance 3/3