Christ Church’s 3 C values


Caring, Confident and Committed


Our core values are evident throughout Christ Church and are modelled by all members of our school community in our everyday lives. Staff and pupils show mutual respect; this is fundamental in the education that we offer. There is high expectation for behaviour which is consistent and fair. This ensures everyone feels safe and confident, enabling children to achieve their best within our Church of England School. The safeguarding and welfare of our children is at the core of our beliefs.


Our 3C values of caring, confident and committed, are explored in more detail through morning worships, celebration assemblies and weekly pupil voice announcements. With God’s guidance together, we inspire each other to live well, to serve others and to make a difference in the world.



Key Focus for each term



Autumn – Confident: in oneself, resilient, motivation, belief in own ability, helps to be ready for next stages in life


Spring – Caring: for ourselves, for our families, for others, for our environment


Summer – Committed: to doing the right thing, to supporting others, to doing your best, to treating everybody with kindness and respect

