Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.
Our Class Information
We are a class of Year 1 and Year 2 children. We are taught by Mrs Holroyd and Mrs Jeffreys.
Our PE day is on Monday and Tuesday, remember to bring your P.E. kit on both of these days or you can keep it in the classroom.
We will change reading books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember to get your reading record signed and keep colouring your reading label to collect your reading reward!
To support learning in school, we would like to see you go on TT Rockstars and spelling shed daily and read your reading book for at least 10 minutes a day. We will also be setting some tasks on Seesaw.
Our learning this half term:
Click on the links below to see the knowledge that your child will be learning this half term.
PHONICS: Please click here to see our phonic curriculum. You will also find our phonic teaching videos by clicking here and scrolling down to the bottom of the page.
ENGLISH: To write labels and captions Knowledge Organiser
To write a story and mimic a significant author Knowledge Organiser
MATHS: Counting in 10's, 5's, 2's and 3's. We are continuing to work hard to improve our times table knowledge. Number and place value Knowledge Organiser
Fractions Knowledge Organiser
HISTORY: We will be learning about Significnat changes within living memory - with a focus on Childhood then and now. Knowledge Organiser
Geography: We will focus on Geographical skills and fieldwork, focusing on our school and the local area. Knowledge Organiser
SCIENCE: To understand animals including humans. Knowledge Organiser
RE: What do Christians believe God is like? Knowledge Organiser
Art : Painting portraits Knowledge Organiser
COMPUTING: E-safety and connecting to the computer and using basic typing skills.
Music: How does music help us to make friends? Knowledge Organiser
PSHE: Being Me in My World Knowledge Organiser
Helpful resources!
Please find below some helpful resources that you may use with your child at home.
Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words
These are words that cannot be sounded out phonetically and children need to be able to read and spell off by heart.
You can also log onto Spelling shed to practice spellings with the new sound / rule that they are learning.
This is a technique your child will be learning at school to help them move onto joined up writing as they get older. Each letter stars with a 'flick from the left'. Look at the Powerpoint below if you need any help with this.
Handwriting Powerpoint
By the end of year 2, children should know their 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. You could print these to use at home with your child. Likewise, remember to log into your child's TT Rockstars account and practice there!
Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.
Our Class Information
We are a class of Year 1 and Year 2 children. We are taught by Mrs Holroyd and Mrs Jeffreys.
Our PE day is on Monday and Tuesday, remember to bring your P.E. kit on both of these days or you can keep it in the classroom.
We will change reading books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember to get your reading record signed and keep colouring your reading label to collect your reading reward!
To support learning in school, we would like to see you go on TT Rockstars and spelling shed daily and read your reading book for at least 10 minutes a day. We will also be setting some tasks on Seesaw.
Our learning this half term:
Click on the links below to see the knowledge that your child will be learning this half term.
PHONICS: Please click here to see our phonic curriculum. You will also find our phonic teaching videos by clicking here and scrolling down to the bottom of the page.
ENGLISH: To write labels and captions Knowledge Organiser
To write a story and mimic a significant author Knowledge Organiser
MATHS: Counting in 10's, 5's, 2's and 3's. We are continuing to work hard to improve our times table knowledge. Number and place value Knowledge Organiser
Fractions Knowledge Organiser
HISTORY: We will be learning about Significnat changes within living memory - with a focus on Childhood then and now. Knowledge Organiser
Geography: We will focus on Geographical skills and fieldwork, focusing on our school and the local area. Knowledge Organiser
SCIENCE: To understand animals including humans. Knowledge Organiser
RE: What do Christians believe God is like? Knowledge Organiser
Art : Painting portraits Knowledge Organiser
COMPUTING: E-safety and connecting to the computer and using basic typing skills.
Music: How does music help us to make friends? Knowledge Organiser
PSHE: Being Me in My World Knowledge Organiser
Helpful resources!
Please find below some helpful resources that you may use with your child at home.
Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words
These are words that cannot be sounded out phonetically and children need to be able to read and spell off by heart.
You can also log onto Spelling shed to practice spellings with the new sound / rule that they are learning.
This is a technique your child will be learning at school to help them move onto joined up writing as they get older. Each letter stars with a 'flick from the left'. Look at the Powerpoint below if you need any help with this.
Handwriting Powerpoint
By the end of year 2, children should know their 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. You could print these to use at home with your child. Likewise, remember to log into your child's TT Rockstars account and practice there!