Welcome to Mrs Butterworth's Class

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All about us

Year 6 2024-2025


Our PE day this half term is Friday. We will be working outside during this half term with cricket coaches from Lancshire. Children will need trainers, their school PE t-shirt and a plain dark coloured tracksuit.

Reading books should be read each night and brought in school everyday to be signed and changed if needed.

Our homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday.

New spellings will also be set every Friday to be learnt for a test the following Friday.

We use

Spelling Shed https://play.edshed.com/en-gb

TT Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/

 We will also send home paper homework for maths and English.

Useful Resources

Below you will find a selection of resources that will help your child as they move through year 6.

We will of course cover all areas of the curriculum in school, but extra practise at home will really help consolidate the work we do in school.

We thank you for your continued support with this.

Grammar Glossary

Times Tables Chart

Sample Arithmetic Paper

Sample Grammar Paper 1

Sample Grammar Paper 1 - Question by Question support

Maths Past SATs Questions

Spring One

This half term we are learning about...

Click on the knowledge organisers to find out what we will be covering.


English Text - The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad 

Maths - Geometry Knowledge organiser

Science - Evolution and Inheritance Knowledge organiser

History -  Early Islamic Civilations Knowledge organiser

Geography - Natural Disasters Knowledge organiser

PE - Gymnastics Knowledge organiser

Spanish - Sports Knowledge organiser

Music/Drama - 'A Newyear Carol' Knowledge organiser

Art - Surrealism Knowledge organiser

PSHE - Dreams and Goals Knowledge organiser

RE- Why do some people believe in God and others dont? Knowledge organiser

Computing - Varibales in Games Knowledge organiser