Welcome to Miss WHITE's Class

Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.



Children will have PE lessons on a Tuesday and Friday. On these days, children must come to school in their school uniform, with their PE kit available to change into. Long hair is to be tied up and ear rings to be left out.


Reading books are expected to be in school every day and should be signed by a parent/carer. Don't forget to tick off your reward chart each time you read!


For spellings, your child will be given the following week's spelling rule every Friday. This will also be set on Spelling Shed. Please encourage your child to practice every week. https://play.edshed.com/en-gb

To practice times tables, we also use TT Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/


Learning: Summer Two

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Arguments & Mystery and suspense stories

Grammar -  Punctuation (4) (5)

Reading - The Snow-Walker's Son by Catherine Fisher

Maths - Shape (4) (5), addition and subtraction, multiplicaiton and division, fractions (4) (5), number

Science - Forces

History - Changes in entertainment and leisure

Geography - Life in the city of Brazil

RE - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

PE - Athletics & Badminton

Spanish - The weather (4) At the seaside (5)

Music/Drama - Recap and rewind

Art/DT - Food technology - soup

PSHE - Changing me (4) (5)

Computing - The Internet

Learning: Summer One

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Shape poems & Play scripts

Grammar -  Word classes (4) (5)

Reading - Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo

Maths - Decimals, fractions and percentages (4) (5) & time (4) (5)

Science - Sound

History - Anglo-Saxon & Viking battles

Geography - South America

RE - Why do Hindus want to be good?

PE - Swimming & Fitness

Spanish - Animals (Y4) Planets (Y5)  

Music/Drama - Blackbird

Art/DT - Textiles

PSHE - Relationships

Computing - Flat file databases

Learning: Spring Two

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Performing poetry & story writing

Grammar -  Word classes (4) (5)

Reading - Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo

Maths - Statistics (4) (5) & fractions, decimals and percentages (4) (5)

Science - Electrical circuits

History - Annie Kenney

Geography - West Midlands

RE - Salvation

PE - Swimming & Dance

Spanish - Greetings (Y4) & Talking about myself (Y5)

Music/Drama - Lean on me

Art/DT - Electrical systems

PSHE - Healthy me (4) (5)

Computing - Photo editing

Learning: Spring One

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Poetry and biography

Grammar -  Parenthesis (4) (5)

Reading - The Way Through the Woods

Maths - Shape (4) (5)

Science - Earth and Space

History - Romans: clues from the past

Geography - Rivers

RE -People of God- How can following God bring freedom and justice?

PE - Hockey & Gymnastics

Spanish - Family (4) and shopping (5)

Music/Drama - Rap

Art/DT - Optical Art

PSHE - Dreams and goals (4) (5)

Computing - Coding (4) (5)

Learning: Autumn Two

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Poems that convey an image (rap) & Stories containing myths and legends

Grammar -  Adverbials & Modal Verbs (4) (5)

Reading - Egyptian Myths by Jean Menzies

Maths - Fractions (4) (5) & Measures (4) (5)

Science - Biology: Dangers to living things

History - Ancient Egypt: pyramid and obelisks

Geography - Manchester vs Prague

RE - How and why do people mark the significant events of life?

PE - OAA & Tag Rugby

Spanish - Local area (4) Time in the city (5)

Music/Drama - Glockenspiel

Art/DT - Mechanical systems (cams)

PSHE - Celebrating differences (4) (5)

Computing - Communication (email)

Welcome to Miss WHITE's Class

Follow @ChristChurch_Sc on twitter for the latest news and updates.



Children will have PE lessons on a Tuesday and Friday. On these days, children must come to school in their school uniform, with their PE kit available to change into. Long hair is to be tied up and ear rings to be left out.


Reading books are expected to be in school every day and should be signed by a parent/carer. Don't forget to tick off your reward chart each time you read!


For spellings, your child will be given the following week's spelling rule every Friday. This will also be set on Spelling Shed. Please encourage your child to practice every week. https://play.edshed.com/en-gb

To practice times tables, we also use TT Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/


Learning: Summer Two

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Arguments & Mystery and suspense stories

Grammar -  Punctuation (4) (5)

Reading - The Snow-Walker's Son by Catherine Fisher

Maths - Shape (4) (5), addition and subtraction, multiplicaiton and division, fractions (4) (5), number

Science - Forces

History - Changes in entertainment and leisure

Geography - Life in the city of Brazil

RE - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

PE - Athletics & Badminton

Spanish - The weather (4) At the seaside (5)

Music/Drama - Recap and rewind

Art/DT - Food technology - soup

PSHE - Changing me (4) (5)

Computing - The Internet

Learning: Summer One

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Shape poems & Play scripts

Grammar -  Word classes (4) (5)

Reading - Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo

Maths - Decimals, fractions and percentages (4) (5) & time (4) (5)

Science - Sound

History - Anglo-Saxon & Viking battles

Geography - South America

RE - Why do Hindus want to be good?

PE - Swimming & Fitness

Spanish - Animals (Y4) Planets (Y5)  

Music/Drama - Blackbird

Art/DT - Textiles

PSHE - Relationships

Computing - Flat file databases

Learning: Spring Two

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Performing poetry & story writing

Grammar -  Word classes (4) (5)

Reading - Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo

Maths - Statistics (4) (5) & fractions, decimals and percentages (4) (5)

Science - Electrical circuits

History - Annie Kenney

Geography - West Midlands

RE - Salvation

PE - Swimming & Dance

Spanish - Greetings (Y4) & Talking about myself (Y5)

Music/Drama - Lean on me

Art/DT - Electrical systems

PSHE - Healthy me (4) (5)

Computing - Photo editing

Learning: Spring One

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Poetry and biography

Grammar -  Parenthesis (4) (5)

Reading - The Way Through the Woods

Maths - Shape (4) (5)

Science - Earth and Space

History - Romans: clues from the past

Geography - Rivers

RE -People of God- How can following God bring freedom and justice?

PE - Hockey & Gymnastics

Spanish - Family (4) and shopping (5)

Music/Drama - Rap

Art/DT - Optical Art

PSHE - Dreams and goals (4) (5)

Computing - Coding (4) (5)

Learning: Autumn Two

(Please click links for knowledge organisers)


English - Poems that convey an image (rap) & Stories containing myths and legends

Grammar -  Adverbials & Modal Verbs (4) (5)

Reading - Egyptian Myths by Jean Menzies

Maths - Fractions (4) (5) & Measures (4) (5)

Science - Biology: Dangers to living things

History - Ancient Egypt: pyramid and obelisks

Geography - Manchester vs Prague

RE - How and why do people mark the significant events of life?

PE - OAA & Tag Rugby

Spanish - Local area (4) Time in the city (5)

Music/Drama - Glockenspiel

Art/DT - Mechanical systems (cams)

PSHE - Celebrating differences (4) (5)

Computing - Communication (email)